• This Journal has signed a Cooperation Agreement  with the Iranian Scientific Society of Physiology and Pharmacology on 2022 February 9.


Summary of statistics and information

Standard Summary Journal Name: JAHSSP

Rank in the publications of the Ministry of Science (2023): A

ISC Rank 2022 Q1

ISC IF 2022: 0.320

Number of Volumes 11
Number of Issues 21
Number of Articles 272
Number of Contributors 616
Article View 267,925
PDF Download 201,026
View Per Article 985.02
PDF Download Per Article 739.07
Number of Submissions 679
Rejected Submissions 331
Accepted Submissions 246
Acceptance Rate 36
Time to Accept (Days) 89
Number of Indexing Databases 14
Number of Reviewers 71

Country of Publication: Iran

Publication status: Electronic

Publication Frequency: Biannual

Journal language: Persian-English

Article Receipt Form: Only through the system

Publication cost: No

Free access to articles: Yes

Antiplagiarism system: (Hamyab) 

Journal of Applied Health Studies in Sport Physiology (JAHSSP) as a bilaterally anonymous peer-reviewed scientific journal, is an Open access semiannual publication of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University.

This journal has started its activity based on a regulation No. 15/05/1393 issued by the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, with publishing its first issue (Autumn & Winter 2014) in the Fall of 2014, in both printed and electronic formats. It renamed from “Journal of Applied Studies of Sport and Health” to “Applied Health Studies in Sport Physiology” since 2015 based on a regulation No. 73406 issued by National Central Media System, and publishes only electronic version full text papers in Persian.

Since 1401 (Iranian calendar) -2023, JAHSSP is indexed by the Ministry of Science Research and Technology (MSRT) as a

 Grade A scientific journal and according to the latest assessment of the Islamic World Science Citation (ISC) database, has obtained an impact factor of 0.320 and a ranking of Q1.

This Journal has also a CooperatioAgreement  with the Iranian Society of Physiology and Pharmacology since 2022 February 9.


Long-Term Preservation, Archiving in:  Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Scientific Information Database (SID)Google ScholarNoormagz, National Library and Archeives of IR. IRAN,  ...  



All of the journal articles are free to access. There are no author charges prior to publication, and no charge for readers to download articles and this journal allows reuse and remixing of its content, in accordance with CC BY-NC 4.0 DEED, Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International

and allows authors to retain the copyrights without restrictions.

This journal is following of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws


To avoid any form of plagiarism, each manuscript newly submitted to the Journal of Applied Health Studies in Sport Physiology (JAHSSP), will be checked regarding plagiarism using Hamyab.


*: It is mandatory to upload the Conflict of interest and Publishing Agreement forms with submitting manuscripts prepared in this Template.


**: According to the approval of the Publishing Council of Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, extended abstract (limited to 1000 words) is mandatory for papers after initial acceptance. please see Guide for Authors for detailed information.

***: According to the regulations of the Journal Review Commission, scientific research journals approved by that Commission cannot allocate more than ten percent of published articles in a year to articles by the same author. Therefore, it is stipulated that each author be allowed to have a maximum of two articles in review and ready to be published in the journal. Also each year only one paper could be published in the journal by the same author.

****: According to the guidelines of Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Department of Citation Analysis, no more than 25% of affiliation of articles published in a year could be by the publisher and also no more than 10% of articles published in a year should be authored by editorial board members, editor in chief and managing editor.


Current Issue: Volume 11, Issue 2, August 2024 

Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license

The effect of Pilates and aerobic training on serum levels of sirtoin-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and insulin resistance index in women with type 2 diabetes


Sadegh Cheragh-Birjandi; ali kheyrandish; seyedeh sepide tara; seyedeh sahar sharifian; halimeh masoodi; sara Asghari

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