The effect of eight weeks of aerobic, resistance and combined exercises on inflammatory indicators predicting atherosclerosis and body composition of obese middle-aged women

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, Ilam University, Ilam, Iran

2 Department of Sport Sciences, Payam-e Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Aim:       Atherosclerosis is a chronic and progressive disease whose initial stages begin in childhood and its clinical manifestations appear in the fourth decade of life. Therefore, determining a specific exercise program to provide to people prone to cardiovascular diseases can be important in order to reduce the predictors of atherosclerosis. The current study was designed and implemented with the aim of investigating the effect of eight weeks of aerobic, resistance and combined exercises on the inflammatory indicators predicting atherosclerosis and the body composition of obese middle-aged women. Methods: Forty obese middle-aged women (BMI ≥ 30) aged 45 to 55 years (47.36±3.64) were selected from eligible individuals after being called and randomly divided into four groups: aerobic exercise, resistance exercise, combined exercise, and control grou  (10 people per group). The training groups did their own training for 8 weeks and 3 sessions every week. To examine the biochemical variables, blood samples were taken from the subjects before starting the exercises (pre-test) and 48 hours after the end of the exercises (post-test) in fasting conditions. The levels of homocysteine, fibrinogen, and C-reactive protein were measured using a Bionik kits. Body composition was also evaluated by body composition device. Results: The results showed that 8 weeks of aerobic, resistance and combined training decreased homocysteine​​(p=0.001) and CRP blood levels (p=0.001). Also, combined  training  significantly reduced blood fibrinogen levels (p=0.001) and resistance  training  significantly reduced blood fibrinogen levels (p=0.01) and body fat percentage (p=0.01). Conclusions: In general, it can be claimed that eight weeks of aerobic, resistance and combined training is effective in improving cardiovascular health and reducing the risk of atherosclerosis by reducing the inflammatory risk factors  such as homocysteine, C-reactive protein, and fibrinogen.


Main Subjects

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