Effect of Combined Aerobic and Resistance Exercise Training on ROCK Proteins of Skeletal Muscles and Insulin Resistance Index in Aged Rats

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


Department of physical education, Bojnourd branch, Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd, Iran


Aim: Rho-Associated Protein Kinase (ROCK) is one of the members of serine-threonine protein kinases playing role in regulation of glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of eight weeks of combined aerobic and resistance training on skeletal muscle levels of ROCKs protein, serum levels of insulin, fast blood sugar (FBS), insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) and body weight in aged female rats. Methods: Twenty two Wistar rats (24-28 months old, 262.5±15.10 gr) randomly divided in to two groups of experimental and control (11 ones in each). Rats in experimental group participated in eight weeks of combined aerobic (running on treadmill at intensity of 40-60 percentage of maximum velocity, 60 minutes per session, without treadmill incline) and resistance training (15 times of climbing on rodent ladder at intensity of 40-60 percentage of maximum workload with 1 minute of rest interval, 45 minutes per session), at intermittent days and five days per week. All rats were dissected 48 hours after the last training session, and the investigated indicators were evaluated using appropriate laboratory methods. Data analyzed using independent and paired t-test at a significance level of less than 0.05. Results: Eight weeks of combined aerobic and resistance training resulted in significant increases in fast (P=0.001) and slow (P=0.001) twitch muscles levels of ROCK1 in experimental compared to control group. Moreover, ROCK2 levels of fast (P=0.001) and slow (P=0.001) twitch muscles significantly increased following training. In addition, FBS levels (P=0.001) and body weight decreased (P=0.001) significantly in experimental compared to control group. Furthermore, body weight decreased in experimental group in post-test compared to pre-test (P=0.004). Conclusions: Although glucose uptake improved following eight weeks of combined aerobic and resistance training in old female rats; it seems that the increases in skeletal muscle levels of ROCK proteins could not contribute to improvement in insulin sensitivity in response to exercise training.


Main Subjects

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