The Effect of L-Theanine Supplementation on Balance, Cognitive function, Anaerobic Power and Fatigue index in Trained Male Wushu Athletes

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 Department of Sports Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

2 university of zanjan


Aim: Supplements play an important role in improving the various performances of athletes, preventing injuries and winning championship. One of these supplements is L-theanine, which has many physiological effects. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of L-theanine supplementation on balance, cognitive performance, anaerobic capacity and fatigue index of trained male wushu athletes. Methods: This research was conducted in a double-blind, cross-sectional and semi-experimental manner. The subjects included 11 people from Zanjan city, who participated in both the control (placebo) and experimental (supplement) groups with a certain time interval due to the spread of the corona disease and the reluctance of human subjects to participate in the research work. The intended tests were performed twice, 3 days apart. Subjects in the placebo group received a 200 mg flour capsule and in the supplement group a 200 mg L-theanine capsule, and after 30 minutes (the time required for L-theanine to take effect), they performed balance, reaction time and RAST tests to measure anaerobic power (minimum, maximum, average) and fatigue index. For statistical analysis, Shapiro Wilk, covariance and paired t tests were used at the significance level of p=0.05. Results The results showed that 30 minutes after taking L-theanine supplement in human subjects, the values of balance (P=0.001), cognitive performance (P=0.010), minimum power (P=0.009) and peak power (0.078) (P=0.017) improved and there was no significant change in the subjects' fatigue (P=0.190), also the average power (P=0.017) was significantly reduced. Conclusions: It seems that L-theanine supplement has significantly improved the balance, cognitive performance and anaerobic power of trained male wushu athletes, but it did not have a significant effect on their fatigue, but the lack of improvement in the average power in the rest test probably indicates that this supplement in Reduction of cumulative fatigue from rapid repetitions is ineffective.


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