Response of coagulation factors and fibrinolysis to a resistance training session in male athletes and non-athletes

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 Master student in sport physiology, Zanjan university, Zanjan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor,Department of Sport Sciences, Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, Zanjan, Iran


Aim:  The purpose of this study  was to investigate the response of coagulation and fibrinolysis factors to a circuit resistance training session in male athletes and non-athletes.
Methods: This research was a semi-experimental study. 18 male athletes and non-athletes (9 athletes and 9 non-athletes) with 20 to 30 years old average age were selected by the available sampling method. After consuming a standard breakfast, the first stage of blood collection (5 ml ) was performed in the Sitting Position. Then Subjects performed a circular resistance training at 10 stations with 60% of a maximum repetition (each station consists of 12 repetitions, 30 seconds activity, and 30 seconds rest) and 3 minutes of rest between each set. Then, one hour after the end of the training protocol, the second blood sampling was performed exactly as same as the first stage. Prothrombin time and relative plasma thromboplastin time were measured by Coagulation Method. A mini-Vidas device was used to measure of D-dimer. Data were analyzed using independent-sample- T-test, paired- sample-T test, and Covariance. 
 Results: Results showed that one session resistance training did not affect plasma prothrombin time, relative plasma thromboplastin time, and plasma D-dimer level of male athletes and non-athletes (P>0.05). Also, in-group changes in Prothrombin and relative thromboplastin time and plasma D-dimer level in the non-athlete group did not change significantly (P>0.05). However, the in-group analysis showed that after one session of resistance training in the athlete group, prothrombin time and plasma thromboplastin time was significantly decreased (p < 0.05).
 Conclusion: Regarding lack of effect one session resistance training on plasma prothrombin time, relative thromboplastin time and 
D-dimer level in male athletes and non-athletes, it can probably be said that circular strength training is safe in athletes and non-athletes. also, it does not affect coagulation markers and fibrinolysis.


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