The Effect of Walking Exercise with Blood Flow Restriction On mTOR Signaling Pathway in Untrained Male Subjects’ Skeletal Muscle

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 PhD Student of Sport Physiology, Department of Sport Physiology, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences , Rasht, Iran.

2 Professor of Sports Physiology Department, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Gilan University, Rasht, Iran.


Aim: The purpose of this study was to study the acute responses to BFR walking exercise on the mTOR signaling pathway in untrained male subjects. Methods: five (n=5) apparently healthy untrained male participants were studied identically on two occasions: (1) BFR aerobic exercise consisting of walking at an exercise intensity of 40% VO2max (2) Identical walking exercise without BFR (Ctrl). Each trial was separated by 3 weeks. Muscle biopsy (vastus lateralis) and blood sample (antecubital vein) were obtained pre- and post-exercise in given time points to determine protein expression and changes in GH and IGF-1. Results: Results showed that mTOR and p70S6K phosphorylation levels did not change significantly in both groups (P ˃ 0.05). IGF-1 and GH immediately after exercise increased in BFR group (P˂0.05). Blood lactate did not show any significant change in both groups. Conclusion: We find that the phosphorylation of p70S6K and mTOR did not activate after a bout of walking with blood flow restriction. As result the mTOR signaling pathway is not responsible for stimulating skeletal muscle protein synthesis after BFR walking exercise.


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