Compare of resting levels of Visfatin in professional karate’s and non-athletes¸ with two different doses of omega-3 supplementation along with intense physical activity

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


Department of Education, Maragheh, Iran


High intensity exercises increased cytokines of such as visfatin. However, cytokines that are regulated by physiological stimuli such as dietary supplements. Thus, this study was designed to assess effect of contraction high intensity exercise training and supplementation omega-3 with two different doses levels on Visfatin, in elite karate athletes and compare with non-athletes. Therefore 56 males, mean age 24±4/05 years, height 56.177 cm, 23.75 kg of body mass and maximal oxygen consumption per minute at 31.311 ml kg groups were karate athletes and non-athletes participated in this study. Athletes and non- athletes subjects in both groups were, Then each of the main groups divided to 4 groups: Athlete groups Include supplements and exercise groups with 2 doses divided: [e+s (1.2 g/d); e+s (1.8 g/d); p+e and e] and non- athletes groups Include supplements: [s (1.2 g/d); s (1.8 g/d); p and co]. Blood samples from athletes in the following 48 hours ago and after the last training session and no consume any food containing omega-3 following the 12- hour overnight fasting and in the non-athletes group following 48 hours do not consume foods containing omega-3 following the 12-hour overnight fasting were collected. And the Visfatin, in measured by ELISA method and statistical analysis of data showed through the variance factor and post hoc Tokay test to determine where the differences between the groups showed: High- intensity exercise with omega- 3 supplementation for four weeks with two different doses on resting levels of Visfatin has effect on elite karate and also, omega3 supplementation with two different doses has effect on non- athletes.


Main Subjects

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