Effect of Eight weeks of plyometric training on anaerobic power, fatigue index, explosive strength and agility Freestyle wrestlers

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 MSC of Exercise physiology, Lecturer of Islamic Azad University, Malekan Branch. Malekan. Iran.

2 MSC of Sport Seiences, Faculty of Agriculture in charge of Maragheh, Maragheh, Iran

3 MSc Student of Physical Education, Urmia University, Urmia. Iran.


Training methods and different ways to prepare and brilliant results considered by coaches and athletes was in competitions, therefore Considering the importance of plyometric training in improving athletic performance, the purpose of this study was to the effect of Eight weeks of plyometric training on anaerobic power, fatigue index, explosive legs strength and agility Freestyle wrestlers city of Malekan was 15 to 17 years old. The method of study was semi-experimental and statically population of that 15 to 17 years old 78 freestyle wrestlers had formed the city of Malekan. Therefore, 24 wrestlers qualified for the random sample selection of the target population and based on the results of the fatigue tests matched pairs were divided into two groups of 12 plyometric and control and again after eight weeks of training protocols from both groups were tested. To analysis the data, t-test and paired t-test was performed using the software spss version 19.The findings showed that: after eight weeks of plyometric training, maximum power, power minimum, average power, explosive legs strength and agility was observed a significant difference between two groups (P≤0/05) but the fatigue index of were not significantly different. Conclusion: It seems that wrestlers to increase aerobic capacity, improve the fatigue index, increased explosive leg strength, improve agility and plyometric training with emphasis on respect for the athletes in the physical characteristics of the study sample use.


Main Subjects

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