Compare the effect of two-stage tapering and gradual tapering on serum lactate, testosterone and cortisol in male athletes

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 Master student in sport physiology, Zanjan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Zanjan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, University of Zanjan, Zanjan


For many years gradualtapering was done. New theories with an emphasis on two-stage tapering Suggest that the load of training reduced gradually and then a few days before the race, the load of training rise again. Therefore the aim of this research is Study the effect of two-stage tapering in compare with gradualtapering on serum lactate, testosterone and cortisol in male swimmers. In this semi-experimental study 12 young male swimmers (with age ranging from 14 to 17 years) as available sampling were selected. Subjects based on their final record were divided in to two groups: two-stage tapering group (N = 6) gradualtapering group (N=6). Before and after the completion of 2 weeks tapering Program, performance test and blood samples were taken for assessment serum levels of lactate, testosterone and cortisol. To evaluate the result paired T-test and ANCOVA (analysis of Covariance) were used. after 2 weeks of tapering program, in two-stage tapering group compared with pre-test, serum levels of  lactate and cortisol was increased significantly (P>%5). But in gradualtapering group compared with pre-test, serum levels of cortisol was increased significantly (P> %5). changes in serum lactate  and testosterone levels in two-stage tapering group compared with gradualtapering group was not significant (P> %5). While increase in serum cortisol levels in two-stage tapering group compared with gradualtapering group was significant (P> %5). Generally it can be said, that likely two-stage tapering strategies compare then gradualtapering strategies have more catabolic effect.


Main Subjects

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