Effect of aerobic exhaustion with six weeks low calorie diet with moderate carbohydrate on lactate dehydrogenase and liver enzymes in overweight boys

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 Dept of Exercise Physiology Ahwaz University of Shahid Chamran, Ahwaz, Iran

2 MSc, Department of Business Administration, Islamic Azad University, Ilam Branch, Ilam, Iran


Increased lactate dehydrogenase and liver enzymes may be harmf ul to the individual through exercise-induced exhaustion in the blood. Using low-calorie diets with moderate carbohydrates is one of the ways to reduce these amounts.
For this purpose, among overweight boys students studying at Shahid Chamran University, 30 were selected randomly and divided into two experimental and control groups based on body composition index. For experimental group, low calorie diet with moderate carbohydrate (carbohydrate contribution of 55% of energy) was recounted by a 24-hour questionnaire for 6 weeks and adjusted with food nutrition expert's nutrition software. For inter-group variation, t-dependent variation was used to compare the covariance between groups.
The results indicated that serum alkaline phosphatase and lactate dehydrogenase increased significantly with an aerobic exercise session in both experimental and control groups. However, the values of AST and alanine aminotransferase between the two experimental and control groups were not significant at all despite the increase.
A six-week low-calorie diet with moderate carbohydrates can significantly reduce lactate dehydrogenase and liver enzymes.


Main Subjects

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