Effect of the Comparison 12 weeks aerobic and Resistance exercise on levels of Omentin-1 plasma and Blood pressure in hypertensive elderly women

Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under (CC BY-NC 4.0) license


1 MSc, Shiraz University

2 Associate Professor, Shiraz Univeristy


Fat tissue is secretion hormones such as chemerin and Omentin. Adipokine of the Omentin that is Contains 313 amino acids thatsecreted most of visceral adipose tissue and there is two wayomentin- 1 and  omentin-2. However omentin 1, is the most common form of human blood circulation.The aim of present study was to investigateEffect of  the Comparison 12 weeks aerobic andResistance exercise on levels of Omentin-1  plasma and Blood pressure in hypertensive elderly women. In this study, 45 hypertensive elderly women were chosen and Selectively divided in to three groups, control (n=15; Age: 56.2 ±9.8; Systolic blood pressure 131 ±0.87; Diastolic blood pressure 78.9±0.56) and the rest were divided into two groups experiment (n=30; Age: 55.10 ± 6.08; Systolic blood pressure 132.8 ± 1.36; Diastolic blood pressure 77.6 ± 0.78). The training program included aerobic, Resistance exercises which were conducted increasingly, 3 times a week for 12 weeks. Blood samples and measure the blood pressure of participants were taken before starting the exercise training and also24 hours after the last training session. Data were evaluated using analysis of variance and Tukey test at a significance level p≤0.05 was done. Found  then 12 weeks of exercise it does not occurs significant differences in the levels of omentinand diastolic blood pressure in Group training and alsosignificant differencesin systolic blood pressurein the group resistance. But itdoes occurs significant changes in systolic blood pressure in thegroup aerobic. 12-week aerobic exercise, Resistance, have not been able to arrange causes increase omentin and decrease in and diastolic blood pressure But 12 weeks of aerobic exercise  has been able reduced systolic blood pressure in  the subjects.


Main Subjects

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